Benefits of Functional Mushrooms


There are approximately 2,000 species of mushrooms that are thought to have medicinal purposes.

Out of these mushrooms, 15 gained the label of functional mushrooms due to their benefits that go beyond pure nutrient value.  

Each functional mushroom exerts its action on the cells in different ways, which leads to stress reduction, sharpening of cognitive function, and a boost in energy production.

In this article, we will cover the health benefits of functional mushrooms and how they could improve the processes of your organs. We will also cover the specific benefits of common functional mushrooms that you can include in your coffee.

The benefits of functional mushrooms

According to research, each functional mushroom serves a specific set of roles inside the cells. As a result, each mushroom offers unique health benefits, depending on the organs it affects.

Overall, functional mushrooms boost your energy level, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and optimize your skin’s natural complexion.

They are also rich in polyphenols, which have potent antioxidative properties that significantly lower the risk of numerous ailments and promote the function of your immune system.

Note that you need to consume functional mushrooms for a relatively long period of time to see any results. Therefore, they are the perfect ingredients to include in your daily coffee. After a while, you will forget that it’s even there; however, you will start to notice that you’ve become healthier.

Additionally, mushrooms have a considerable amount of dietary fiber, which promotes a healthy gut microbiome – a milieu that’s vital for our health.

Let us discuss the individual benefits of some functional mushrooms:


Reishi mushroom helps enhance the immune system, improve sleep and fatigue, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

People also take this mushroom to control their chronic blood hypertension.

Lion's Mane

Lion’s Mane provides several benefits, including:

·        Protects against dementia

·        Relieves mild symptoms of depression

·        Accelerates recovery after brain injuries

·        Protects against gastric ulcers

·        Lowers the risk of heart disease

·        Manages symptoms of diabetes

·        Dampens inflammation and oxidative stress

Turkey Tail

Turkey tail is a medicinal mushroom used for its antioxidative properties to boost the immune system and reduce the risk of certain cancers. It also promotes bacterial balance inside your gut flora, which improves digestion and immunity.


Chaga is a superfood that’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

It also helps with:

·        Slowing down the process of aging

·        Preventing certain types of cancer

·        Lowering cholesterol

·        Lowering blood pressure

·        Boosting the immune system

·        Fighting inflammation

Takeaway message

Including functional mushrooms in your coffee is an excellent way to promote your health and reap the benefits of both foods. Just make sure to include at least one of the functional mushrooms we listed above.

We hope that this article simplified the topic of functional mushrooms; however, if you have any unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by clicking on this link

Also, check out our Apothecary for all your super food needs


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